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APPROVED 7/29/2013
Minutes of Meeting
Town of Monson
Board of Assessors
Monday June 17, 2013
Members Present: Chairman Russell Bressette, Assessors Allan Curtis, Michael Benfield
Members Absent:  
Principal Assessor: Ann P. Murphy
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 4:15pm.

Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Michael and seconded by Allan to accept the minutes of May 20, 2013.  The motion passed unanimously.  A motion was made by Michael and seconded by Allan to review the minutes of June 13, 2013 and accept them at a later date, when all the information is acquired.

  • The Board discussed the meeting that was held at 288 Main Street, the property owned by Tower View LLC.  The Board was pleased with the meeting.  They felt that the owners were complying with the agreement.   The Board was given an update as to the follow up visit that was made by the Principal Assessor and the Fire Chief in regards to the situation with the tenant.  They will discuss this at a later date once the Principal Assessor gathers all the needed information.

The Board voted and approved the following Motor Vehicle Warrants:
  • Calendar year 2013 – 03 in the amount of $73,339.19
  • Calendar year 2013 – 03A in the amount of $800.00
  • Calendar year 2013 – 02A in the amount of $985.00
  • Calendar year 2013 – 99 in the amount of $6,078.75      
The Board reviewed, voted and approved the following Motor Vehicle Abatements:
  • 2013 Abatements in the amount of $1,826.87
The Board reviewed, voted and signed the 2013 Omitted and Revised report in the following amounts:
  • Revised - $1,797.39
  • Rollback - $378.99
The Board discussed issues related to Farm plates and subsequent registrations.  The Board instructed the Principal Assessor to contact Section 5 in regards to what the qualifications are to obtain Farm plates.  The Board decided that if there are any subsequent bills generated due to farm plates that the subsequent bills should be abated due to the fact that the same vehicle is being assessed twice.  They also discussed values of Repair plates and instructed the Principal Assessor to contact DOR to inquire if the equipment added to a repair vehicle was exempt from tax or if it is considered personal property.

The Board was informed that a tax payer inquired about reverse payment on taxes.  The Board instructed the Principal Assessor to contact DOR to get clarification on this item.

The Board was updated on the status of CIL Realty.  

The Board was updated on miscellaneous items.

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday July 29, 2013 at 10:00am.

ADJOURN:  At 5:30 pm. A motion was made by Allan and seconded by Michael to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously.